Yue Xiao

Yue Xiao
Msc Student
Chimie ParisTech
PSL University
Institute of Chemistry for Health and Life Sciences
Laboratory for Inorganic Chemical Biology
+33 1 44 27 56 04

Yue was born in Foshan, the city of Chinese martial arts. As a teenager, she moved to the beautiful French west coast city of La Rochelle. Yue attempted to undertake a medical career, but finally understood that Chemistry is more her cup of tea. After a Bachelor Degree in Physics and Chemistry at the University of La Rochelle with an exchange year in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Yue continued her studies at Sorbonne University as a Master of Chemistry student.

Currently, Yue is a Master 2 student in Chemistry and Life Sciences at PSL University. She joined the groups of Christophe Thomas and Gilles Gasser for her Master internship as part of an industrial collaboration.

Yue is an open-minded, adventurous backpack traveller and she recently fell in love with Surfing. Yue also enjoys having a beer or two with friends at the end of a long day (while respecting Covid restrictions of course 😊).